

  • V. Anastassopoulos and T. Deliyannis "Modified delta-adder and delta-multipliers for multiplexing" Intl. Journal of Electronics 1984, Vol. 57, No 5, 719-727.
  • S. Fotopoulos and T. Deliyannis "Active RC realization of High-order bandpass filter functions by cascading biquartic sections" Circuit Theory and Application, Vol.12, 223-238, 1984.
  • A. Skodras and T. Deliyannis "Bandwidth Improvement in IIR digital filters". Intl. Journal of Electronics, 1984, Vol. 56, No. 5, pp.669-675.
  • A. Skodras and T. Deliyannis "Three Methods for 16-bit Microprocessor Implementation of Digital Filters". ibid pp.93-98.




  • V. Anastassopoulos and T. Deliyannis "Multiplexing improves the performance of Delta Modulation FIR Digital Filters". Proc. 5th International Symposium on Network Theory, Sarajevo, Yugoslavia, Sept.4-7, 1984, pp. 79-84.
  • V. Anastassopoulos and T. Deliyannis, `Nth-band FIR filters with simple coefficient relationships', Proc. of DIGITECH '84 IMACS European Meeting, Patras, Greece, July 1984.
  • D.E.N. Davies, J. Chaimowicz, G. Economou, J. Fohley, "Proc. 2nd International Conference on Optical Fibre Sensors", Stuttgart, Sept. 1984, pp.387-390.
  • S. Fotopoulos and T. Deliyannis, "Use of the bilinear transform to obtain SC filters from analog CBR filters" Proc. of European Meeting in Digitech, Patras, July 1984.
  • A. Limperis, D.Bakirtzis, I. Haritantis: "Computer Aided Design of harmonic RC oscillators", Int.84 Summer Conference AMSE, 1984.
  • A. Skodras and T. Deliyannis "Multiprocessor implementation of IIR digital filters". Proc. Intl.Conference on Digital Signal Processing, Florence, Italy, Sept. 5-8, 1984, pp.238-241.
  • A. Skodras and T. Deliyannis "Three Methods for 16-bit Microprocessor Implementation of Digital Filters". ibid pp.93-98.


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University of Patras